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Use Your Online Archive With Outlook For Mac

Use Your Online Archive With Outlook For Mac Use
  1. Use Your Online Archive With Outlook For Mac Mac
  2. Outlook For Mac Archive Button

Use Your Online Archive With Outlook For Mac Mac


Hi, What's the version of Outlook for MAC? Outlook for Mac 2011 is not support. Outlook 2016 for MAC is supported.

And are you in a Hybrid mode with on-premises Exchange Server? If your primary mailbox is in on Exchange Server, for example, and your archive account is in Exchange Online in Office 365, you won't be able to use your online archive. Best Regards, Lynn-Li TechNet Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact.

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Outlook For Mac Archive Button

To archive email, we will be moving the email into an archive.pst file. NOTE: When you archive your email into another.pst file, all the email you choose to archive is moved into the archive file and is no longer available in the main.pst file. IT Knowledge Base General Topics Email Exchange Archiving (Outlook) Access Online Archive Email from a Web Browser Access Online Archive Email from a Web Browser This article will show you how to access your Outlook archive email from a web browser. I use Outlook to access Exchange. I store old mail in an Outlook Archive folder. I know that Outlook 2011 stores data in /Users//Documents/Microsoft User Data.

Use Your Online Archive With Outlook For Mac